Delicious Easy to Make Creamy Tomato Soup
Discover how to make easy delicious receipes in your home
by Valerie
Easy Gnocchi Chicken Soup is easy to make and tastes so delicious. A combination of gnocchi pasta, chicken in a light creamy soup. Easy Gnocchi Chicken Soup is made with home made gnocchi, which is the easiest home made pasta you will ever make. Gnocchi from scratch can easily be made in thirty minutes or less. Oh,…
Heirloom Oaxacan Corn Muffins Heirloom Oaxacan Corn Muffins taste amazing and are made from a corn, that has an amazing heritage too! I made these tasty muffins with Oaxacan green gent Corn, that I grew in my garden last summer. I am an avid gardener, and I always like to try something new, so last spring, I decided to plant…
Try this Creamy Mushroom Egg Sausage Bake. This egg bake dish is perfect when you have guests to entertain, you can make it ahead or morning of. It is a complete breakfast all in one. Simply add some toast or Danishes to go with it. Creamy Mushroom Egg Sausage Bake is a delicious combination of potatoes,…
Try these easy to make Quinoa Quesadillas for easy Wednesday night dinner. Quinoa Quesadillas taste fantastic, you can’t go wrong with this combination wholesome quinoa, cooked chicken, melted cheese, and yummy sour cream. The key to having this great meal is you strategically plan your leftovers. For example, you have baked chicken on Monday and…